
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Added Upon By Nephi Anderson

Added Upon By Nephi Anderson 228 pages
 “Who am I? Where did I come from? What is the purpose of existence?” Probably most who have walked the earth have been puzzled about these questions. Added Upon, though fiction, searches these important issues, bringing into perspective the eternal scheme of things as it gradually unfolds the Great Plan. From a point in the veiled past to a point in the veiled future, Added Upon explores the eternal nature of life.
 Here is a book in story form which portrays several human characters with their strengths and weaknesses, suggests what such individuals might have been before their earthly probation, and shows what they will likely become when mortality is past. Through the experiences of his characters, the author depicts his concept of the meaning of existence and the goals it offers. This is a fascinating journey embracing the past, the present, and the future.
 Simply written but full of wisdom Added Upon has become a much-loved book. Since its publication near the turn of the century, it has intrigued tens of thousands.
 Nephi Anderson, the author, remarked: “Many have told me that when they read Added Upon, it seemed to have been written directly to them. My greatest reward is to know that the little story has touched a sympathetic chord in the hearts of the Latter-day Saints, and that it has brought to some aching hearts a little ray of hope and consolation.”

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