
Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Holy Ghost by Oscar W. McConkie

The Holy Ghost by Oscar W. McConkie

This book is, without a doubt, one of the best and most definitive books about the holy ghost available. It is comprehensive, and very informative. 

The personage of the Holy Ghost is properly referred to as "He." The power of the Holy Ghost is correctly spoken of as "it." Both are called Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost directs the affairs of the Church upon the earth, in the absence of the personal presence of the Lord. 

He makes certainty possible, and bears more convincing testimony than can the Spirit of the Lord or light of Christ. He gives certitude to those who accept the more profitable employment of witnessing the matchless mercy of Christ. He is a Messenger, whose power rests upon the contrite, which comforts them, for he enables them to know the truth and to know that their sins are forgiven. 

Knowledge of God, and of all the gifts of the Gospel, becomes available to the faithful throught the Holy Ghost. This is possible because of the mercy of the Son. Thus, the Holy Ghost is a gift above all gifts, after the Son. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Elders Of Israel And The Constitution By Jerome Horowitz

The Elders Of Israel And The Constitution By Jerome Horowitz 212 pages
 This book fills an important need—that of helping Latter-day Saints understand the Constitution as written by the Framers, whom the Lord described as “wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose.” It shows that instead of being outmoded the Constitution is the basis of America’s freedom and prosperity.
 For many years Latter-day Saints have been aware of a prophecy of Joseph Smith that the Constitution would be damaged to the point of near destruction, and that if it is saved, they would play a vital role in saving it.
 The first part of that prophecy is being fulfilled. The Constitution has been greatly distorted to accommodate beliefs incompatible with those of the inspired Framers.
 In recent years some Church members have felt that Joseph Smith’s prophecy no longer applies. Because of widespread erroneous teachings, they have been led to believe that the batter Constitution is the way it should be.
 This book explains those erroneous teachings and gives its readers a sound understanding of government in general, and the American constitutional system in particular. It is written interestingly and clearly so that it can be read and understood by the lay person. While oriented to members of the Mormon Church to help them fulfill the second part of Joseph Smith’s prophecy, it should be of value to all who sincerely desire freedom and prosperity.

House Of Glory By S. Michael Wilcox

House Of Glory By S. Michael Wilcox 146 pages
 In Commanding the Saints to build the Kirtland Temple, the Lord said, “Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.” (D&C 88:119.)
 In House of Glory, S. Michael Wilcox explains the eternal significance of temple work, and, more than that, he explains the blessings that temple work brings to our ordinary, everyday lives.
 He discusses the temple as a house of learning, “the Lord’s university,” where we can understand the most powerful principles of the gospel and receive inspiration for ourselves and our families. He also explains how to understand the symbolic teaching in the Lord’s house and how we can individually hear the voice of the Spirit through those symbols.
 He discusses the temple as a house of refuge, where we can go to escape the trials and troubles of the world.
 He discusses the temple as a house of order, where we learn the covenants of the Lord, how to keep them, and how we are blessed as we do so.
  He discusses the temple as a house of glory, describing the wonderful spiritual experiences that come to those who serve there, and especially to those who labor for their kindred dead.
 Finally, he discusses the temple as a house of thanksgiving, where we come to appreciate the importance and power of the blessings we receive there.
 President Howard W. Hunter directed the Saints to “establish the temple of the Lord as the great symbol of their membership and the supernal setting for their most sacred covenants.”
 House of Glory explains how we can make the temple the focus for every aspect of our lives, how we can find greater joy and meaning in the house of the Lord.