
Friday, February 3, 2012

Essentials In Church History By Joseph Fielding Smith

Essentials In Church History By Joseph Fielding Smith 652 pages
 President Joseph Fielding Smith, in addition to serving in may other capacities in the Church, has been Church Historian since 1921, and in this capacity is the logical person to prepare such a book as Essentials in Church History for Latter-day Saints. Furthermore, as President of the Council of the Twelve since 1951, and a member of that body since 1910, he has studied Church doctrine and the importance of revelation in the founding of and the carrying forward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
 In this book, President Smith has given a clear-cut guide that is useful to the newest Church member and serves as a reference book to the student of Church history.
 Essentials in Church History by President Joseph Fielding Smith has become essential in Latter-day Saint homes as a companion volume to the four standard works of the Church, which it helps explain historically and spiritually.
 This volume relates succinctly the development of the Church. In addition, President Smith has included in the appendix the various quorums of the General Authorities in chronological order. More-over, in giving the names he has included the birth and death dates, and the year when each was called into Church service in these capacities.
 President Smith has discussed the vital doctrines and revelations to the Church in order to explain them in their historical context as well as their spiritual values. He includes all of this material in order to help build and increase testimony. Essentials in Church History is a book no Latter-day Saints home should be without.

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